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Formatting Text

Learn about applying styles, adding headings, and formatting text in the editor.

The text editor appears in several areas of the LMS and displays as a text box with a row of buttons. Text styles add visual interest and provide structure to longer text. Paragraph styles are applied to an entire paragraph or single line of text. We will cover the most common editor options. If you see a button not covered here, hover over the button to see an explanation of its function.

Text Styles

Text styles include styles like bold, italics, underline, and strike-through. These styles are applied to a single word or group of words.

How to add a word style.

  1. Type or create the text.
  2. Select the word or words.
  3. Click the button to apply the style.

To remove the style, repeat these steps.

Word Styles

Icons for bold, italics, and underline

Word styles like bold and underline are applied to words or characters. These tools will make your content easier to read and more engaging.

Icon for adding links

Links can be added using the link button. This style adds an underline to links so they are easy for others to notice. You can choose to have the link open in a new tab by selecting the Open link in new tab checkbox.


Icon for highlighting text

The highlighter style applies a transparent yellow overlay to the text. This can be used when you want to call attention to the words.

Paragraph Styles

Paragraph styles are used to create headings, lists, tables, and other block-level formatting. It’s important to note that these styles are applied to the entire paragraph, sentence, or line.

How to apply paragraph styles.

  1. Type or create the text.
  2. Select the entire paragraph or line.
  3. Click a style button to apply the style.

To remove the style, repeat these steps.

Paragraph Formatting

Icon to apply headings and other paragraph formatting

The paragraph styles drop-down contains formatting options including quotes, headings, code, and serif text. Serif text can be used for musical notation or Roman numerals.


Icon for creating lists

Lists can be used for outlines or to add relationships to text. Using the list button, you can create unordered lists with bullets, ordered lists with numbers, and text indents.

We recommend typing the list first using a return at the end of each list item, then selecting the text and clicking the list button to apply the list style you prefer. If the list style shows on an extra line after the list, put the cursor on that line and click the list style button again to remove it.


Icon for adding and modifying tables

Tables can demonstrate relationships between elements and organize groups of data. When you want to use a table, you should create the table first and then add content to it. To add and remove rows, select the table, click the table tool, and then the action you want. Note that on mobile devices with smaller screens, table columns stack on top of each other.

Text Alignment

Icon for modifying text alignment

The alignment options allow you to adjust the alignment of text. This can add some visual interest to the text. Alignment styles do not affect the position of images and may look different on mobile devices.

Horizontal Rule

Icon for adding a line or horizontal rule

Using the horizontal rule style will add a line across the full width of the content area, creating a visual divider between sections of content. To add a horizontal rule, place your cursor in the location in the text where you would like to add the line and then click the button.

Learn how to embed media like video,images, and audio in Embedding Media.